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"Recipes of a Cajun" cookbook is NOW available!
Also available on Nook & Kindle...check it out!

Here's a few "samples" cher!
1 qt veg oil                                 1 gal water
1 lbs flour                                   1 gal chicken broth
4 lbs boneless,skinless chicken         3 tbsp salt to taste
2 lbs turkey wings,cut up & smoked  1 tbsp basil
3 lg onions, chopped                    3 tbsp black pepper
1 lg bell pepper                          2 tbsp smoked hot sauce
2 tbsp garlic, minced                   3 (15 oz) cans okra w/tomatoes
2 lbs smoked sausage, sliced          1 dozen eggs, boiled
1 lbs smoked andouille                  1 tbsp parsley
Start by cutting up your chicken, onions, bell pepper & slicing the sausage into 1/4 inch slices.
Boil a pot of water for the eggs for 30 mins, peel & set aside.
In a different pot, start boiling a medium pot of water, then add your sliced sausage & let it boil the fat out of it for 30 minutes.
Next, slice the andouille, about 1/4 thick then quarter.
Now, in a large pot add your oil & get it hot then pour in the flour to start making the roux.
Stir continuously with a whisk until it gets to the darkness you like, (almost to a chocolate color is my preference).
Once you reach that color, add your chicken & turkey wings into the roux & keep stirring.
Now you want to add your onions, bell pepper & garlic into the pot and saute until the vegetables are clear.
Drain the sausage & add the sausage and andouille into the pot;stir for for 10 minutes & add the water & broth.
Let the gumbo come to a boil & add the basil, salt, pepper, smoked hot sauce & okra.
Boil for 1 hour & 15 minutes.
Taste & add seasoning if needed.
At this point, add your eggs & parsley.
Simmer for 45 more mins, then turn off the fire and let set for 1 1/2 hours before serving so all the rich cajun flavor can combine.
Serve over some hot rice & serve with potato salad or baked sweet potatoes & some butter sliced bread.
Some people like gumbo with the gumbo file, me, if you want it you can put some in your bowl at the table. 
7 strips bacon                                   1 tbsp black pepper
1 medium purple onion, diced               1/4 tsp smoked cayenne
2 stalks celery, chopped finely               1 tsp salt
1 tbsp garlic, minced                           1 pint half and half milk
10 lbs red potatoes, peeled & quartered   4 qts water
1/4 cup parsley, chopped
First, fry your bacon in a stockpot on medium-high.
Once bacon is half way cooked, add onions, celery & garlic.
Cut bacon into pieces.
Cooked until vegetable are tender.
Add the water & bring to a boil; then, add potatoes.
Cook for 45 mins & stirring occasionally, but keep cover on.
After about 45 minutes, take 1/2 of water & potatoes out & puree until potatoes are all liquid.
Add the puree back into the stock pot & add your salt, pepper & milk.
Cook for 25 more mins, covered. Stir often at this time.
Serve with some grated cheese & hot french bread. Enjoy!
2 c. mayonnaise             1 1/4 tsp hot sauce
1/2 cup water                1 tsp smoked paprika
1 tsp salt                       1 tsp dry mustard
1 tbsp garlic juice           3/4 tsp white pepper
3 1/2 tsp ketchup            1/8 pinch celery seed
1 tsp ground ginger
Mix all ingredients & whisk all together very well.
Best if refrigerated over night or 3 hrs before serving.
Great for any seafood. Enjoy!



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